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关于翼子板论文范文写作 汽车翼子板出风口翘曲变形结构优化相关论文写作资料

主题:翼子板论文写作 时间:2024-04-14



翼子板论文参考文献 汽车史论文汽车技师论文汽车维修技术论文汽车物流论文

摘 要:文章以某款汽车翼子板出风口本体为研究对象,针对汽车翼子板出风口这类注塑件,因为汽车功能的要求,安装空间限制,对手件及自身的制造工艺瓶颈或外观A面设计造型理念的要求,而产生的产品壁厚分布不均的情况.因为塑料产品的壁厚不均及高分子材料的特殊分子链结构,容易造成最终制品的收缩不均,在ASA出风口产品实际成型后产生了较大的后收缩导致了翘曲变形.在产品前期设计和模具设计的过程中,结合利用Moldflow软件,针对现在模具T1开发阶段产品出现的翘曲变形不良的实际问题点,对出风口的本体及模具修模并ASA注射成型的过程进行了CAE模拟分析.针对模流分析的结果,结合当前的模具状况,通过优化产品背面的壁厚,导入到模具修改之中,預测可能出现的翘曲进行CAE模拟判断,并提出相应的优化措施.方案导入后一次修模的成功,最终达成该车型产品顺利导入量产.


中图分类号:U463 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-2945(2018)12-0009-04

Abstract: In this paper, the body of the automobile fender vent is taken as the research object, aiming at this kind of injection molded parts. Because of the requirement of automobile function, the installation space is limited. The requirements of the manufacturing process bottlenecks or the appearance of A-plane design concept of the sets of parts, there exists the situation of uneven distribution of product wall thickness. Because of the uneven wall thickness of the plastic products and the special molecular chain structure of the polymer materials, it is easy to cause uneven shrinkage of the final products. After the actual molding of products at the ASA vent, large post-shrinkage results in warpage deformation. In the process of early product design and die design, by the use of Moldflow software, and aiming at the actual problems of poor warpage and deformation in the present stage of mold T1 development. The CAE simulation analysis of the body of the fender vent and the process of mold repair and ASA injection molding was carried out. According to the result of mold flow analysis, in combination with the current mold condition, and through optimizing the wall thickness on the back of the product and importing it into the mould modification, the CAE simulation judgment is carried out to predict the possible warpage and the corresponding optimization measures are put forward. After the introduction of the scheme after the success of a repair die, a successful introduction of the model products is finally realized.

Keywords: fender vent; mold flow analysis; warpage deformation; product wall thickness





摘 要:某车型翼子板A面压伤,针对产生的原因,对冲压件从冲压工艺及模具结构等因素展开分析,并实施整改,同时为了让此类缺陷得到有效规避,运用新的模。



作者简介:龙盈颖(1989 12-),女,湖南长沙人,湖南师范大学,硕士学位,研究方向:成本管理会计。摘要:经过近十年的酝酿,随着首批二十八家。
