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关于Carolstrip论文范文写作 Carolstrip相关论文写作资料

主题:Carolstrip论文写作 时间:2024-01-25




Some days ago, Carol went to a farm. The thing on the farm were exciting. She saw many animals, like chickens, ducks, oxes and cows. What was she interested in? She was interested in ride a horse. So she went to ride a horse first. Then she took a walk around the farm. At that time, she saw many flowers. Some butterflies and dragonflies stayed there. The flowers, butterflies and dragonflies were so beautiful. But the best were the flowers. They were so colorful. They were yellow, red, purple, pink, orange and white. At night, she watched the stars on the steps with a farmer. The farmer told her about farming. In the end, the farmer said, “I lived here many years. Why? Because I want that farm to be good.”

I think Carol enjoyed oneself. So let’s go there right now.


此篇习作是小作者在七年级一期刚学完一般过去时所写.本文一般过去时态运用正确,条理清晰,文中first,then,at night, in the end等表时间顺序的词语运用恰当.小作者能综合运用所学句型和词组,如be interested in, take a walk, want to do sth等,还能使用一些自学的新词如ox,butterfly and dragonfly等.本文最大的优点是跳出了平铺直述的圈子,文章中好几处句子让读者耳目一新,如“What was she interested in”“But the best were the flowers”等.尤其农夫的一句“Because I want that farm to be good”,让这个朴实的农民形象跃然纸上.

当然由于知识水平有限,难免有几处错误,如公牛ox的复数形式不是oxes,“ The thing on the farm were exciting ”一句的主语和动词不一致,“She was interested in ride a horse”一句 词in后应接动词的-ing形式.另“I lived here many years”一句有时态问题,罗列花的颜色之句也有生硬之嫌.整体结构不是很严谨.特作修改如下,使此文更加准确、生动.


A few days ago, Carol went to a farm.

The things on the farm were exciting. She saw many animals there, like chickens, ducks, oxen and cows. She saw many colorful flowers. They were in all colors—yellow, red, purple... She saw some butterflies and dragonflies flying around them happily. They were so beautiful.

What was she most interested in? She was most interested in riding a horse, so she went to ride a horse. At night, she watched the stars and talked with a farmer on the steps. The farmer told her about farming. In the end, the farmer said, “I’ve lived here for many years. Why? Because I want this farm to be better.”

I think Carol enjoyed herself on the farm trip.

骆 晨

My good friend is Yang. Do you know why? Because she truly cares about me, that’s important to me. Also, she is a good listener. When I have trouble, I always tell her. Then she reaches for my hand and touches my heart. We are similar in these ways: we both have long straight hair. We both like to listen to music. We both like to laugh. I work as hard as her. But we are different, too. For example, she is taller than me, and she is quieter than me. She likes reading but I like sports. I am more outgoing. I think it’s not necessary to be the same as long as they are good. I think my friend is good ,isn’t she?

