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关于克里斯蒂安桑论文范文写作 克里斯蒂安桑教堂学校相关论文写作资料

主题:克里斯蒂安桑论文写作 时间:2024-01-25



克里斯蒂安桑论文参考文献 学校管理方面的论文学校教育论文中小学学校管理杂志小福尔摩斯杂志

客户 The municipality of Kristiansand 地点 Kristiansand, Norway 建筑设计 CEBRA总建筑面积 16 000 m2建造时间 2008~2010 造价 NOK(挪威克朗) 90 mil.


考虑到这两个学校文化之间的交接,我们设计了多样的教学环境,以满足现代教育.新的学校包含两种文化中最好的部分,为现有的框架开辟出新的轻便灵活的应用,并将它们和 透明的新建筑相连接,同时通过一种醒目的方式,如在地板、天花板和墙壁处重复出现某种形状、颜色和表面元素,将其和周围环境密切联系起来.





In Kristiansand (NO) two schools situated closed to each other was decided to be turned into one new school. CEBRA won the competition by extending the existing geometries and directions in the two school buildings, and architecturally and symbolic designing a cross, that expresses the new unity of the former schools. In this point of contact between the two schooling cultures, we have created a proposal for the united school, designed to fulfil modern principles of education containing varied teaching environments. The new school contains the best from both cultures, opens up the existing frames for light and flexible application, and connects them around a central and transparent new-building and at the same time linked to the close surroundings by means of a striking and exiting use of shapes, colours and surfaces repeated in the floors, ceilings and walls. This is a proposal creating the optimum frames for the future development in education and a future interdisciplinary cooperation. The proposal respects the volumes of the existing buildings but introduces a new and elegant idiom which creates a unified whole and homogeneousness for the united school and its users. The two old school buildings are refurbished and retrofitted in order to contain new functions, while the new building created between them, will contain a new auditorium, a library, an information counter, a café and the canteen for the students plus a huge lounge stair for gathering of the users or a laid back moment. The new facilities are designed and constructed for flexible use enabling the teachers and students to combine everyday use with special events and performances. As an extra visual adding to the architecture of the building, the schools impressive collection of American Beat Art is to be exhibited on the new suspended gallery and the surrounding walls of the canteen and the auditorium. The new colourful architecture of the

schools future is thus enhanced and completed by the colours and shapes of the past by the art.




《The Passing of Mr Quin》(《神秘的奎恩先生》) ——1928年 英国《Die Abenteuer G m b H。

摘 要:阿加莎·克里斯蒂被誉为世界三大推理小说宗师之一。作为英国杰出的推理小说家,她的作品具有严密的逻辑性,经常运用反转的结局让读者大吃一惊却又。
