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关于英文摘要论文范文写作 英文摘要相关论文写作资料

主题:英文摘要论文写作 时间:2024-03-16



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Student media usage patterns in transition: Results from a survey in Germany

Olaf Zawacki-Richter and Carina Kramer

A total of 3,666 students at German universities participated in a survey in 2012 (N等于2,339) and 2015 (N等于1,327), which investigated media usage patterns of traditional and so-called non-traditional students (NTS). The students provided information on the digital devices that they own or he access to, and on their usage of media and e-learning tools and services for their learning. As the development of digital media and educational technology is a dynamic field in higher education, special emphasis is placed on the changes of media usage behiour between 2012 and 2015.Based on the students’ responses, a typology of media usage patterns was established by means of a latent class analysis (LCA). Four types or profiles of media usage patterns were identified. These types were labeled entertainment users, peripheral users, advanced users and instrumental users. Non-traditional students are over-represented in the cluster of instrumental users. In general, we find a decrease in the frequency of use of all (digital) media, tools and services from 2012 until 2015. The design of a qualitative research project to further deepen and validate quantitative results of the current study is outlined in this paper.

Keywords: media usage patterns; media usage typology; non-traditional students; instructional design; media selection

A study on cognitive tools for blended learning

Wunong Zhang

Cognitive tools are the key to understanding blended learning in that they play a critical role in its design, implementation and analysis. Based on their respective disciplinary perspectives, cognitive psychology and educational technology he different interpretations and applications of cognitive tools. Therefore, the relationship between these two areas of study needs examining in order to better understand cognitive tools for blended learning. They are constructive, mixed and sophisticated cognitive tools with the function of promoting deep learning rather than simply conveying information, focusing on embodied cognition rather than physical technology, and aiming to expand affordances rather than simplify teaching.

Keywords: blended learning; cognitive tools; deep learning; constructivi; connectivi

Using Merrill’s First Principles of Instruction to develop SPOC Instructional Design Model



摘 要:随着中国科学技术的迅速发展和对外交流的增加,学术期刊数量越来越多,许多重要的学术期刊要求科研论文要求将作者的姓名、工作单位及其所在地翻译。

摘要:英文摘要在科技论文中具有重要作用,根据Ei Compendex数据库对英文摘要的要求,从时态、语态等方面提出了英文摘要的写作规则,列举了论。

