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关于糖尿病论文范文写作 临床糖尿病诊断中常规检验和生化检验价值对比相关论文写作资料

主题:糖尿病论文写作 时间:2024-04-01



糖尿病论文参考文献 临床检验杂志临床输血和检验杂志检验医学和临床杂志医学检验和临床杂志

[摘 要] 目的 對比临床糖尿病诊断中常规检验和生化检验的价值.方法 从该院在2016年6月—2017年5月期间诊治的糖尿病患者当中方便选取110例作为该次研究对象,按照患者入院的先后顺序将患者平均分成两组,入院较早的患者定为对照组(55例),采用常规的尿液检测方法进行诊断,入院较晚的患者定为观察组(55例),采用生化检验方法进行诊断,将两组诊断的结果和临床病理诊断结果进行对比,确定最佳的临床诊断方法,明确生化检验在糖尿病诊断方面的临床应用价值.结果 两组患者检验结果和临床病理检查结果相对比,观察组患者当中和病理检查结果一致的患者53例,有效率达到了96.36%,而对照组患者当中和病理检查结果一致的患者43例,有效率达到了78.18%,两组对比差异有统计学意义(χ2等于9.946 5,P<0.05).结论 临床糖尿病诊断当中,与常规检验相比,生化检验具有更高的临床应用价值,为糖尿病患者的临床治疗提供治疗依据,提高治疗的效果,控制患者的血糖水平,挽救患者的生命,提高患者的生活质量,应该作为糖尿病诊断的首选方法,在临床上推广和应用.

[关键词] 糖尿病;诊断;常规检验;生化检验;价值对比

[中图分类号] R446 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2018)02(c)-0181-03

Study on the Value Comparison of Routine and Biochemical Test in the Diagnosis of Clinical Diabetes


Laboratory Department, Guangnan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangnan, Yunnan Province, 663300 China

[Abstract] Objective This paper tries to compare the value of routine test and biochemical test of clinical diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Methods From June 2016 to May 2017 diagnosis and treatment of diabetic patients selected 110 cases as the object of this study, according to the order of patients admitted to hospital, were divided into two groups, the patients admitted earlier as the control group (55 cases). The routine urine test was used to diagnose the patients. Later patients admitted to the hospital were selected as the observation group (55 cases). The biochemical tests were used to diagnose the patients. The results of the two groups were compared with the results of clinicopathological diagnosis to determine the best clinical diagnostic methods and a clear biochemical test in the diagnosis of diabetes clinical value. Results Two groups of patients with test results clinical and pathological examination results were compared, the observation group patients with pathological findings consistent with 53 cases, efficiency had reached 96.36%, while the control group patients with pathological findings consistent with 43 cases, efficiency of 78.18%, there were statistically significant differences between the two groups (χ2等于9.946 5, P<0.05). Conclusion The clinical diagnosis of diabetes, compared with conventional test, biochemical test has higher clinical application value, can provide basis for clinical treatment of patients with diabetes and improve the treatment effect and glucose control, save the lives of patients, and improve the quality of life of patients, which should be used as the preferred method for diagnosis of diabetes, and worth of clinical popularization and application.


摘 要:在兽医临床诊断中,实验室检验诊断工作是必不可少的环节,能有效辅助兽医人员做好免疫抗体、疫情监测等工作,并促进我国向现代化兽医医疗转型。当。

[摘要] 目的 探究临床护理管理中对人性化管理理念的应用价值。方法 将该院2016年3月—2017年3月期间各科室的68名护理人员作为该次研究的。

[摘要] 目的 探析血常规检验的影响因素及质量控制策略。方法 通过对相关文献报道及临床经验的总结和分析,讨论血常规检验的准确方法,并制定相应的血。

[摘要] 临床中常通过临床检验为疾病诊断提供重要依据,生化检验为临床检验的常规项目之一,在临床诊断中发挥重要的协调作用,并指导治疗方案的制订。临。
