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关于2018论文范文写作 2018年第12期参相关论文写作资料

主题:2018论文写作 时间:2024-02-23



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【新目标英语七年级(上)Unit 8 STEP BY STEP随堂通参 】

Section A

一、1~5 EABCD

二、1. August; tenth; it; is

2. father’s; in; July

3. second; May

4. What; activities; this; month

5. have; school; trip

6. basketball; game; on; ninth

7. have; a; good; time

8. a; really; boring

9. can; ask; her; for;

Section B

一、1~5 CBABC 6~10 BADBA

二、1~5 BBDAC

Self Check

一、1~5 ACDBC 6~10 BACBC

二、1. basketball game

2. April 3rd

3. speech contest

4. October 7th

5. When’s

6. Art Festival

7. December 31st

8. have

三、1~5 CBCAC 6~10 DACAD

四、1~5 CBCDA

五、1. Day 2. February

3. likes 4. helps

5. house 6. eats

7. Chinese 8. happy

【新目标英语七年级(上)Unit 9 STEP BY STEP随堂通参 】

Section A

一、1~5 CAEDB

二、1. summer 2. reading

3. player 4. mine

5. free

Section B

一、1~5 CACCA 6~8 DBC

二、1~5 BCBBC 6~10 ACCBA

三、1~5 ABCDC

Self Check

一、1~5 BABCC 6~10 DDACB

二、1~5 BAABC 6~10 ACBCA

三、1~5 FFTFF

四、1. thirteen 2. only

3. different 4. teach

5. speak 6. read

7. about 8. be

9. welcome 10. write

【新目标英语七年级(上)期末复习题听力材料及参 】


第一部分 听力部分.(共两节,总分25分)

第一节 听力选择.(共15小题,每小题1分,总分15分)



Text 1

M: Janet’s rabbit is very lovely. What pet do you keep, Mary?

W: My mother doesn’t want me to keep a dog. So I only have a cat as my pet.

Text 2

W: Did you go to the Dinosaur Museum last week?

M: No, we went to the zoo with my cousins.

Text 3

W: Where is Shari? We can’t find her.

M: Look!She is over there beside the bike, wearing a red hat and blue trousers.

Text 4

W: I like ping-pong ball best. What sport do you like best, John?

M: I like football best. I think football is more interesting than baseball and ping-pong ball.

Text 5

M: Is the boy sitting under the tree your cousin?

W: No. He’s my brother. He is Peter. You have never seen him, have you?


Text 6

W: The radio says it is cloudy today, but it’s raining all day.

M: Yes. But sometimes the radio isn’t right.

W: Will your father send you to Tom’s house by car? Today is Tom’s birthday, isn’t it?


本报讯(记者 卢刚)6月20日-23日,大华2018年第一期CPA专题培训班在湖北武汉举行。培训活动为期四天,参与培训的近百名注册会计师在四天的。



