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关于施肥论文范文写作 长期定位施肥对山东潮土有效磷磷库演变规律影响相关论文写作资料

主题:施肥论文写作 时间:2024-04-07



施肥论文参考文献 山东化工期刊山东教育杂志社山东教育期刊山东工业技术期刊

摘 要:为研究长期定位施肥对土壤磷素的影响,在山东潮土区冬小麦-夏玉米轮作制度下,通过连续33年的长期定位施肥试验,研究土壤有效磷变化、磷库的演变及两者比值(PAC)的变化关系.试验设8个处理:不施肥(CK)、氮(N)、氮磷(NP)、氮钾(NK)、磷钾(PK)、氮磷钾(NPK)、减量氮磷钾(N15PK)和增量氮磷钾(N25PK),同时设置8种不同施肥模式下增施有机肥处理.结果表明,对于土壤全磷、有效磷及PAC值,增施有机肥处理高于不施有机肥处理,施用磷肥处理高于不施磷肥处理;随着年限增加,不施磷肥和只施化学磷肥由于作物吸收、养分流失及形态转化等原因导致土壤磷库有所减小,而增施有机肥处理保持稳定;对于PAC值变化,不施有机肥处理随年限增加而降低,增施有机肥处理随年限增加而增加,PAC值总体较低,和土壤性质有关.综合来看,化学磷肥配施有机肥更能有效地提高土壤磷含量,保证磷素的供应,这为潮土区施肥管理和土壤培肥提供科学依据.



Abstract To study the effects of long-term located fertilization on soil phosphorus, the changes of soil available phosphorus (Olsen-P), the evolution of soil total phosphorus (TP) and the ratio change of Olsen-P to TP (PAC) were studied by 33-year fertilization experiments in winter wheat-summer maize rotation system in Shandong fluvo-aquic soil. Eight treatments were designed as no fertilization (CK), nitrogen fertilizer (N), nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer (NP), nitrogen and potassium fertilizer (NK), phosphate and potassium fertilizer (PK), nitrogen-phosphate-potassium fertilizer (NPK), reduced NPK fertilizer (N15PK), increased NPK fertilizer (N25PK). At the same time, eight organic fertilizer added treatments were designed based on the application of inorganic fertilizer same as the above ones. The results showed that TP, Olsen-P and PAC of organic fertilizer added treatments were higher than those without organic fertilizer, and those of the treatments adding phosphate fertilizer were higher than those of no phosphate fertilizer. With the increase of years, soil P pool reduced due to crop absorption, nutrient loss and morphological transformation and other causes under the treatments of without and only phosphate fertilizer, while remained stable under the treatments adding organic fertilizer. The PAC values were generally lower in fluvo-aquic soils, and it could be improved by the application of organic fertilizer. On the whole, the application of chemical phosphate fertilizer combined with organic fertilizer could improve the phosphorus content in soil and ensure the supply of phosphorus nutrition, which provided scientific basis for fertilization management and soil fertility in fluvo-aquic soil.

Keywords Long-term located fertilization; Fluvo-aquic soil; Total phosphorus; Available phosphorus; Phosphorus pool;Activity coefficient

潮土是山東省面积最大的土类,有466.6万公顷,其中耕地410.6万公顷,分别占全省土壤面积和耕地面积的38.53%和48.12%.潮土分布集中,76.5%的潮土面积集中分布在鲁西北黄河冲积平原,另外23.5%分布在山地丘陵区[1].潮土分布区地势平坦,土层深厚,水热资源较丰富,适种性广,是我国主要的旱作土壤,盛产粮棉.但潮土大部分属中、低产土壤,加之旱涝灾害时有发生,尚有盐碱危害,导致作物产量不稳定.因此必须通过合理施肥,提 土养分含量,进而提高作物产量.长期定位施肥具有时间长期性和气候代表性等优点,既可揭示土壤肥力演变、评价肥料效益,又可研究施肥对农田生态系统可持续发展的影响[2].



摘 要:测土配方施肥技术是一项促进节本增收、促进农业可持续发展的惠民技术,测土配方施肥技术改变了农民常规施肥习惯,减少了化肥投入,增加了粮食产量。

摘 要:依据测土配方施肥技术测定的土壤养分状况,根据小麦的生育特性和需肥规律,参照目标产量,提出合理的施肥技术,以为冬小麦施肥提供参考。关键词。

摘 要:本文通过对青岛啤酒的宏观环境以及行业分析和内部分析,通过对财务报表的对应解读,分析此啤酒的发展战略并分析战略的优缺点。关键词:青岛啤酒。
