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关于盐碱论文范文写作 复合盐碱处理下烤烟品种发芽特性耐盐性评价相关论文写作资料

主题:盐碱论文写作 时间:2024-04-07



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摘 要:为探讨不同烤烟种子萌发期耐盐特性,以5个烟草品种为供试材料,在发芽期采用不同质量浓度的复合盐碱处理,研究其对烟草品种主要发芽特性的影响.结果表明,低浓度盐碱(0.2%、0.4%)不同程度提高了K326、红花大金元和云烟97的发芽率和发芽势,红花大金元和K326的发芽指数也较对照有所增高;中高浓度盐碱(≥0.6%)降低了各品种种子的发芽率、发芽势及发芽指数,而干重始终随盐碱浓度增大而减小,盐害率则随浓度增大而增大.低浓度的复合盐碱促进部分烤烟品种(K326、红花大金元、云烟97)萌发,而高浓度盐碱对供试品种的萌发有强烈的抑制作用.不同品种对盐碱的耐受力不同,低盐碱下红花大金元、云烟87和K326表现相似且良好,云烟97次之,中烟100较弱;中高盐碱处理下,K326和云煙87、云烟97表现较好,红花大金元次之,中烟100较弱.


中图分类号:S572.01文章编号:1007-5119(2017)03-0037-07 DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2017.03.007

Germination Characteristics of Flue-cured Tobacco Varieties under Mixed Salt-alkali Stresses and Evaluations of Their Saline-alkali Tolerance

YE Xiefeng1, ZHANG Xiaofan1, ZHENG Xianbin2, MA Jing1, LIU Xiaohan1, ZHOU Hanjun1,FU Zhongyi1

(1. Tobacco Science College of Henan Agricultural University, National Tobacco Cultivation and Physiology and Biochemistry Research Centre, Key Laboratory for Tobacco Cultivation of Tobacco Industry, Zhengzhou 450002, China; 2. Staff Development Institute of China National Tobacco Corporation, Zhengzhou 450002, China)

Abstract: The aim of the study was to evaluate the saline-alkali tolerance of different flue-cured tobacco varieties and screen for flue-cured tobacco varieties suitable for growing in saline-alkali soils. Five flue-cured tobacco varieties (Yunyan87, K326, Honghuadajinyuan, Yunyan97 and Zhongyan100) were treated with 0, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8% and 1% saline alkali withn (NaCl):n(Na2SO4):n(NaHCO3)等于1:1:1.Germination rate, germination potential, germination index, vigor index, salt injury index, fresh and dry weight per plant were recorded. The results showed that the low concentration(0.2%, 0.4%) saline-alkali treatments promoted the germination rate and viability of K326, Honghuadajinyuan and Yunyan97 in different degrees, and the germination indexes of Honghuadajinyuan and K326 were higher than CK. High concentrations(≥0.6%) of saline-alkali inhibited the germination rate, viability and index of all varieties.Dry weight decreased with the increase of saline-alkali concentration, and salt injury rate increased with salt concentration. The low concentration saline-alkali solutions could promote some varieties of flue-cured tobacco (Honghuadajinyuan, Yunyan97), while high concentration saline-alkali solutions had strong inhibition effects on germination of testing varieties. Under low salinity (0.2%, 0.4%), Honghuadajinyuan, Yunyan87 and K326 had similar tolerance to salinity-alkalinity stresseswith a good performance, while Yunyan97, Zhongyan100 had poor performance. Under high concentrations (≥0.6%) of saline-alkali, K326 and Yunyan97, Yunyan87 performed better, followed by Honghuadajinyuan, and Zhongyan100 had a bad performance.



摘 要:通过对云烟87、云烟97、红花大金元、南江三号、毕纳一号5个烤烟品种进行大田对比试验,从上部烟叶的开片程度,干物质积累,物理特性,以及化。

摘 要:通过不同生态区域进行新品种示范,可以较好地揭示新品种在烟区的适应性及其生长发育规律、烘烤特性和品质表现,为北票烟区优良品种的推广提供可靠。

