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关于DisneyStories论文范文写作 DisneyStories:Doesitreallyeffectonreallife相关论文写作资料

主题:DisneyStories论文写作 时间:2024-01-29




The aim of this research paper is to explore the underlying meaningful of Disney Story. In order to achieve this aim, this paper conducts critical evaluations of theories offered in past literature. It is hoped that the reader of this paper will gain a better understanding of the reason why many people addicted to the Disney Story and what is the Disney Story’s contribution of the real world.

1. Introduction

Disney enterprise is a storytelling organization performing excellence. As an example of media convergence or he cultural imperiali has become somewhat of burgeoning (Wasko and Crimes, 2004). Disney is an artful and managed happy construction of the storytelling enterprise to reveal influence on people’s lifestyle (Boje, 1995). They are attracting thousands of people who care passionately about it (Sarah, 2004). Thus,there are many fans of Disney Story in the word, they are addicted to stories line and characters, such as: Snow White, Cinderella, Mickey Mouse, etc. The author therefore suggests it is interesting to understand the stories how to impact on modern life. The author believe that those people will he some special reason why like Disney stories, and will explore the depth reason.

2. Literature review

These literature review will conclude with a brief critical evaluation and discussion of the three theories highlighted. So it is necessary to explore the inner thought of Disney Story fans via the theory study and find the phenomenon that the story how to effect on real life.

2.1 Narrative Transportation Theory

Transportation into a narrative world refers to the feeling of being lost in the world of a narrative, of being completely immersed in a story and leing the real world behind (Melanie, 2008). Define narrative transportation as the extent to which an individual empathizes with the story characters or the story plot activates their imagination, these is the main reason of people to experience suspended reality during story reception (Tom, et.al, 2014). People will ‘lost’ in a story and light-hearted atmosphere, and will be attracted by its humorous and witty plot of Disney Stories (Green & Brock, 2000). This absorption refer to the personal character, and the self-experience of life, in other words, transportation is an engrossing temporary experience. It has been demonstrated that people are fond of Disney story frequently think about own actual or potential behiors, creating behioral scenarios, similar to stories, or escape from reality (Escalas, 2004).

