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关于巴豆醛论文范文写作 河南主产烟区烤烟主流烟气巴豆醛释放量差异聚类分析相关论文写作资料

主题:巴豆醛论文写作 时间:2024-04-12



巴豆醛论文参考文献 化学类一区期刊化学一区期刊河南文化小论文一区期刊

摘 要:为研究河南主产烟区烤烟单料烟主流烟气中巴豆醛释放量的变化特征,采集河南主产烟区上、中、下3个部位烤烟样本144份,采用高效液相色谱法测定单料烟主流烟气中巴豆醛的释放量,并进行聚类分析.结果表明,河南主产烟区上、中、下3个部位烟叶主流烟气中巴豆醛释放量的均值分别为21.86、23.72、23.91 μg/支,其中中部叶的变幅较大;上部叶和下部叶巴豆醛释放量差异显著,中部叶和下部叶和上部叶差异不显著;主栽的4个品种中烟叶主流烟气中巴豆醛释放量表现为秦烟96>中烟203>豫烟10号>中烟100,秦烟96和中烟100的下部叶和中部叶巴豆醛释放量存在显著差异,其他品种间及上部叶的各品种间差异不显著;根据聚类分析结果将河南产烟区烤烟主流烟气中巴豆醛释放量类型初步分为高释放型、中释放型、低释放型3大类型,高释放型主要分布在三门峡、洛阳和南阳大部分产区,中释放型主要分布在漯河、平顶山和许昌大部分产区,低释放型只有平顶山和漯河少部分产区.


中图分类号:S572.01 文章编号:1007-5119(2016)02-0054-07 DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2016.02.010

Abstract: In order to investigate the variation of crotonaldehyde release characteristics in mainstream smoke of Henan single grade tobacco, 144 flue-cured tobacco samples of 3 stalk positions (upper, middle and lower) were collected from the main tobacco-growing areas in Henan Province. Ccrontonaldehyde content in mainstream smoke was determined with high performance liquid chromatography and was studied by cluster analysis. The results showed that the average crontonaldehyde content in mainstream smoke in upper, middle and lower leaves were 21.86, 23.72, 23.91 μg/cig, respectively, with the middle leaves showing the largest variation. The crontonaldehyde contents in upper and lower leaves showed significant difference, while no significant difference was observed between middle leaves and lower, upper leaves. For the leaves from the same stalk position, main tobacco cultivars in the order of crontonaldehyde content in mainstream smoke were Qinyan96> Zhongyan203> Yuyan10> Zhongyan100. The crontonaldehyde contents of lower and middle leaves differed significantly between Qinyan96 and Zhongyan100, but this difference was not significant between the other varieties or between upper leaves of all the tested varieties. The results of cluster analysis suggested that crontonaldehyde contents in mainstream smoke of flue-cured tobacco leaves from Henan Province could be divided into three categories (high, middle and low), with the high release type mainly distributed in Sanmenxia, Luoyang and Nanyang most of the producing areas, the middle release type mainly distributed in Luohe, Pingdingshan, and Xuchang most of the producing areas, the low release type only distributed in Pingdingshan and small part of Luohe producing areas. This result can provide a theoretical basis for the harm reduction of cigarettes.

Keywords: Henan tobacco growing area; flue-cured tobacco; single grade tobacco; mainstream smoke; crotonaldehyde; cluster analysis



摘 要:适宜的烤烟移栽期能够充分利用气候资源,使烟草生长发育和成熟采收均处在最适宜的环境条件下,从而生产出优质烟叶。烟草的生长发育受到多种因素的。

摘 要:通过不同生态区域进行新品种示范,可以较好地揭示新品种在烟区的适应性及其生长发育规律、烘烤特性和品质表现,为北票烟区优良品种的推广提供可靠。

摘 要:在我国经济发展进入新常态,构建现代产业新体系的时代背景下,加快产业集聚区发展,是河南全面深化改革、转变经济发展方式、落实“三大战略”规划。
