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关于幼苗论文范文写作 长宽法测定幼苗期烟草叶面积校正系数相关论文写作资料

主题:幼苗论文写作 时间:2024-04-11



幼苗论文参考文献 婚姻家庭法论文文献综述法期刊名期刊的卷号和期号

摘 要:叶面积是评价植株生长状况的重要指标,生产上往往通过测定烟草叶片长度和宽度,乘以经验校正系数0.6345,计算烟草叶面积.为验证该校正系数是否适合于幼苗期烟草叶面积的测定,选择了烟草幼苗期246个不同大小的叶片,对用扫描计算法、复印称重法和长宽法3种方法所测定的叶面积数据进行了方差分析和线性回归分析.结果表明:(1)应用文献报道的校正系数,长宽法所测定的幼苗期烟草叶面积,显著低于扫描计算法和复印称重法;(2)幼苗期不同大小叶片,依据扫描计算法和复印称重法(除叶面积<10cm2)所获得的长宽法校正系数间不存在显著差异;(3)扫描计算法和复印称重法所测定的幼苗期烟草叶面积,与采用校正系数修订后的长宽法所测定的叶面积相对误差分别小于1%和2%,相关系数分别为0.9963和0.9966.据此,认为长宽法校正系数应修订为0.7075,方可准确计算幼苗期烟草叶面积.



Revision of the Length-width Method CorrectionCoefficient inMeasuring Leaf Area of Tobacco Plants at the Seedling Stage

ZHENG Fengjun1, HUA Nanjinqiu1, ZHANG Limeng2, LI Jiangzhou2, JI Sigui2, LIN Shan1*

(1. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China; 2. Extension Center of Tobacco Production Technology, Yuxi Tobacco Company, Yuxi, Yunnan 653100, China)

Abstract:Leaf area is an important indicator in evaluating plant growth, which is often measured by the so-called length-width method in practice. With this method, tobacco leaves’ length and width were measured and the leaf area was calculated by multiplication of the empirical correction coefficient 0.6345. However, it is rarely reported in the literature whether the coefficient is suitable in measuring tobacco leaf area at the seedling stage. 246 tobacco leaves were collected at the seedling stage and leaf areas were measured by three methods namely scanning calculation method, photocopy weighing method and length-width method. The results showed: (1) Using the empirical correction coefficient reported in the literature, leaf area measured by the length-width method was significantly lower than that measured by the scanning calculation method and the photocopy weighing method. (2) No significant difference was observed betweenthe length-width method revised coefficients obtained through the scanning calculation method and the photocopy weighing method on different sizes of leaves at tobacco seedling stages. (3) The relative errors were less than 1% and 2% respectively by comparisons of leave areas measured by the scanning calculation method and the photocopy weighing method with those measured by the length-width method using the revised correction coefficient. The correlation coefficients were 0.9963 and 0.9966, respectively. Accordingly, we believe that the correction coefficient of the length-width method should be revised as 0.7075 to calculate tobacco leaf areasaccurately at the seedling stage.


摘 要:目前我国有许多工作行业需要进行微量技术元素的测定与衡量,准确的衡量结方法和结果能够有效推动工作进展。火焰原子吸收光谱法作为一种新型微量元。


摘 要:气相色谱内标法就是进行一种毛细管气相色谱法的建立,进而对白酒中乙酸乙酯含量进行检测的一种方式。在检测白酒的过程中,因为乙酸乙酯和乙缩醛极。

摘 要:试样在经过反复灼烧、混酸消解以后,能够使塑料泡沫变得更为丰富,硫脲也能够通过解析,使用石墨炉原子对光谱测定的样品痕金量进行吸收,文章将对。
