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关于先验论文范文写作 基于先验信息供水管网阻力系数识别相关论文写作资料

主题:先验论文写作 时间:2024-02-18



先验论文参考文献 生物信息学论文小学信息技术论文电子信息工程毕业论文移动信息期刊

摘 要:供水管網阻力系数识别是指通过调整管网水力模型中管道阻力系数使模型计算值和监测值相符的过程.由于实际中监测点数量有限,管网阻力系数识别为欠定的优化问题.现行方法通常采用管道分组这一参数化方法将欠定问题转换为超定,应用遗传算法或其它随机搜索算法求解.提出了基于先验信息的供水管网阻力系数识别算法,所提出算法根据管道管材、管龄等先验信息对管道阻力系数进行估计,并将估计值作为伪观测值引入目标函数将欠定优化问题转换为超定,采用高斯-牛顿算法进行求解.和现有方法相比,所提出算法避免了管道分组不唯一的问题;再者,推导了供水管网阻力系数雅克比矩阵解析式用于搜索向量构造,提高了参数识别计算效率.采用小型管网阐明了雅克比矩阵计算及搜索向量构造,利用大型管网验证了算法的实用性.


中图分类号:TU99.3 文献标志码:A文章编号:16744764(2018)02004607




杜坤(通信作者),男,博士,Email :250977426@qq.com.


Foundation item:National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51608242); Applied Basic Research Youth Project of Yunnan Province(No.2017FD94); Personnel training program of Yunnan Province (No.14118943); Education Department Fund Project of Yunnan Province(No. 2015Y077)

Author brief:Ren Ganghong(1992),main research interest:Municipal engineering, Email:554769994@qq.com.

Du Kun(corresponding author), doctor, lecturer,Email:250977426@qq.com.Pipe resistance coefficient identification of water distribution

system based on prior information

Ren Ganghong1, Du Kun1, He Lirong1, Xu Bingfeng1, Du Yu2

(1. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, 650500, China;

2. The third construction engineer company LTD, of China construction second engineer bureau, Hubei, Wuhan, 430022, China)

Abstract:Pipe resistance coefficients (PRCs) identification of water distribution systems (WDSs) is a process of adjusting the PRCs in hydraulic model of WDSs to make its predictions consisting with measurements. Because the number of monitoring sensors is limited in practice, the identification of PRCs of WDSs is an underdetermined optimization problem. Existing methods trend to use a parametric method of pipe grouping to convert the underdetermined problem to overdetermined, and then solve it using GA or other stochastic searching algorithms. This paper presents a prior information based algorithm for PRCs identification of WDSs. In the proposed method, the PRCs are estimated previously according to prior information of pipe material and pipeage, and then used as pseudo observations introduced into objective function to convert the underdetermined optimization problem to overdetermined one, and the Gauss Newton algorithm is utilized to solve it. Compared to existing method, the proposed algorithm avoids the nonuniqueness problem of pipe grouping; in addition, the analytic formula of Jacobian matrix of PRC is deduced for searching vector construction, which improves the calculation efficiency of parameter identification. A simple network was used to illustrate the calculation of Jacobian matrix and the construction of search vector, and a larger network was utilized to validate the practicability of the method.


摘 要:为针对城市供水管网监测点的数据采集、监控等问题做出统筹管理,在城市建设中,供水管网监控系统的设置至关重要。但就当前城市供水管网监控系统的。



