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关于规范化管理论文范文写作 中药质量规范化管理在中药房管理中应用效果分析相关论文写作资料

主题:规范化管理论文写作 时间:2024-04-04



规范化管理论文参考文献 质量管理论文质量管理体系论文药品质量管理论文行政管理专业论文题目

[摘 要] 目的 分析探讨中药房管理中中药质量规范化管理的应用效果.方法 该中药房于2015年1月—2016年12月实施中药质量规范化管理360例作为观察组;取实施中药质量规范化管理前的中药房管理360例作为对照组,比较两组药品配发、退换情况及患者满意度.结果 在药品配发准确率,观察组明显高于对照组(P<0.05);退换发生率观察组明显低于对照组(P<0.05).中药房管理满意程度观察组为95.00%,明显高于对照组的83.33%,两组数据差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 在中药房管理过程中,中药质量规范化管理方案的实施,能够提高药品配发准确率,降低退换发生率,提高患者对中药房管理工作的满意度,值得临床采纳及应用.

[关键词] 中药质量规范化管理;中药房管理;应用效果

[中图分类号] R286 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2018)01(c)-0008-02

Analysis of Application Effect of Quality Standardized Management of Traditional Chinese Medicines in the Pharmacy Management of Traditional Chinese Medicines

DU Hai-na

Lanshan District People’s Hospital, Linyi, Shandong Province, 276000 China

[Abstract] Objective To analyze and study the application effect of quality standardized management of traditional Chinese medicines in the pharmacy management of traditional Chinese medicines. Methods 360 cases of patients after the implementation of quality standardized management of traditional Chinese medicines from January 2015 to December 2016 were used as the observation group, and 360 cases of patients before the implementation of quality standardized management of traditional Chinese medicines were used as the control group, and the drug dispensing, exchange situation and satisfactory degree of patients were compared between the two groups. Results The accurate rate of drug dispensing in the observation group was obviously higher than that in the control group (P<0.05), and the incidence rate of exchange in the observation group was obviously lower than that in the control group(P<0.05), and the satisfactory degree of TCM pharmacy management in the observation group and in the control group was respectively 95.00% and 83.33%, and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The implementation of quality standardized management of traditional Chinese medicines in the pharmacy management of traditional Chinese medicines can improve the accurate rate of drug dispensing, reduce the incidence rate of exchange, and improve the satisfactory degree of patients to the TCM pharmacy management work, and it is worth clinical adoption and application.

[Key words] Quality standardized management of traditional Chinese medicines; Pharmacy management of traditional Chinese medicines; Application effect



[摘要] 目的 探讨影响医院中药制剂质量的影响因素,并提出相应的控制对策。方法 对该院2014年12月—2016年12月使用的中药制剂作为研究对。

[摘要] 目的 探究中药材及饮片当前存在的问题,并探讨出保护中药材及中药饮片质量的有效措施。方法 该文对当前市场上中药材及中药饮片存在的问题进行。

[摘要] 中药饮片是中药产业的基石,质量低下的中药饮片不仅能破坏中医药的声誉,并能影响人体的正常健康。中药饮片质量是保证中医药能否生存与发展的基。
