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关于妙警贼探论文范文写作 跟蚕妙警贼探学英语相关论文写作资料

主题:妙警贼探论文写作 时间:2024-02-20



妙警贼探论文参考文献 适合学英语的杂志小学英语论文大全商务英语专业毕业论文选题英语论文提纲模板


经过多年追踪,FBI探员彼得(Peter)终于将诈骗高手尼尔(Neal)抓获归案,按常理故事到这儿就算结束了,但《妙警贼探》(White Collar)的故事才刚刚开始.尼尔不甘心从此在牢狱中度过一生,向彼得提出一项交易:以他多年的黑道见识和聪明才智帮助彼得侦破疑案,以此换取自己的自由.彼得同意了,于是尼尔出了监狱,戴上可以追踪定位的脚环,成了FBI的破案顾问.

剧集从2009年推出第一季开始,到现在已经播到第六季,彼得和尼尔在一次次通力合作中逐渐建立起了深度信任、真正的友情和几近soul mate的默契.颜值爆表的主演、幽默风趣的台词和烧脑的剧情为该剧赢得了大批剧迷.除了彼得之外,尼尔还有一个好搭档——擅长 和行骗的同道中人莫齐(Mozzie),由于尼尔的关系,他和彼得之间也建立了某种意义上的真正友谊,这一点在最近播出的第六季第四集中得到了很好的体现:五年前,莫齐在行骗过程中和同道中人、女骗子伊娃(Eva)相遇并误打误撞结成夫妇,五年后伊娃回来找到莫齐,设计要偷一件文物并将其栽赃到莫齐头上,幸亏彼得和尼尔识破其阴谋,迅速赶去阻拦莫齐.


Mozzie: That"s absurd. l"m not the fallguy. Eva knows l"m not foolish enough to walkinto a trap.

Neal: Everyone has a weakness, and Evaknows yours.

Peter: We know she called you. Sheprobably told you she was in trouble.

Neal: Yeah, maybe she even claimedshe"s in danger that she"s scared of Jack andyou believed her because you know Jack isdangerous.

Peter: Because Jack himself showed you.

Neal: So you came to her rescue exactlylike they wanted you to.

Peter: They"ve been setting you up fromthe start.

Mozzie: You two have concocted afascinating story, yet there"re holes in yourplot, namely I can"t be the fall guy for a crimethat l"m not going to commit.

Neal: Yeah, that"s why they"re going tomake you commit it. First, you"II walk up to her.She"II be thrilled to see you. (Eva: Thank youfor coming. You"re my hero, Mozzie: You knowI"d do anything for you. )

Mozzie: Such bourgeois sentiment wouldnever fall past my lips.

Neal: l"m giving you the gist. She"II tellyou that she"s made a horrible mistake withJack. (Eva: You"re the one I want to be with.Let"s run away together. I hear that Prague isexpected to endure the melting of the ice capsexceptiona/ly weH.) But first there"s somethingshe needs you to do. (Eva: We need start-upmoney. Prague isn"t cheap, Jack and I had aplan to steal...)

Peter: Something. We"re not sure what itis yet.

(Eva: But you shou/d stea/ it instead.)

Mozzie: Why me?

Neal: Good question. (Eva: Jack isparanoid. He knows I"m having doubts. He"sbeen watching me very closely. If he catchesme...) we all know what will happen. (Mozzie:Don"t worly. I would never let that happen. Eva:Come on.)

Peter: When you"re with Eva, Jack willdisable the security system and steal the item.

Neal: It has to be something small enoughto carry on himself without being noticed.

Peter: Jack will give Eva the all-clear signonce he has the item, then she"ll know it"s safeto send you in.


【摘 要】本文以有意义学习理论为指导,阐述合作探究教学策略运用对深化学生理解感知的促进作用。围绕语言信息的输入与输出,注重从任务引导、讨论交流和。


摘 要:本文以英语背景学习者在汉语习得中的负迁移现象为核心关注点,以《跟我学汉语》学生教材为例,通过梳理归纳教材中容易引起负迁移问题的实例,总结。

摘 要:象征主义源于19世纪的欧洲,当时的知识分子不满社会现状,却又不敢直接抨击权贵,从而用虚构的艺术形象含蓄地表达自己的愿望,常常创作出各种与。
