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关于数据挖掘论文范文写作 基于数据挖掘英语教师教学能力评价相关论文写作资料

主题:数据挖掘论文写作 时间:2024-01-29



数据挖掘论文参考文献 英语教师杂志英语教师论文教师教学论文发表数据挖掘论文

摘 要: 传统英语教师教学能力评价方法受主观因素制约,无法排除人为因素造成的影响,导致评价结果不可靠.为此,提出基于数据挖掘的英语教师教学能力评价方法.依据特征变量离散化原则对数据采取匿名化编码处理,对存在大量特征值的英語教师教学特征变量进行离散化处理.对英语教师教学数据进行粗糙集约简处理,将需挖掘的英语教师教学数据库采用粗糙集方法进行处理,确定决策表,设定最小支持和最小置信度,通过关联规则挖掘方法得出关联规则,从而实现英语教师教学数据挖掘.通过主成分分析对挖掘的英语教师教学数据集结构进行描述,获取评价指标.对英语教师教学能力指标进行计算,依据指标值评价英语教师教学能力.实验结果表明,所提方法评价结果可靠,可体现教师真实能力.

关键词: 数据挖掘; 英语教师; 教学能力; 评价; 约简; 变量离散化

中图分类号: TN911.1?34; TP391 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2018)11?0153?04

Research on data mining based teaching ability evaluation of English teachers

LU Yue

(Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300202, China)

Abstract: The traditional teaching ability evaluation methods of English teachers are influenced by subjective factors, and cannot eliminate the influence of human factors, which lead to the unreliable evaluation results. Therefore, a data mining based new teaching ability evaluation method of English teachers is proposed. According to the discretization principle of characteristic variables, the data is treated with anonymous encoding, and the English teachers′ teaching characteristic variables with large eigenvalues are discretized. The rough set reduction processing was performed for the teaching data of English teachers. The English teachers′ teaching database needed mining is processed with rough set method to confirm the decision table and set the minimum support and minimum confidence. The association rules mining method is used to get the association rules, so as to realize the teaching data mining of English teachers. The structure of teaching data set of English teachers is described by means of principal component analysis to get the evaluation index. The teaching ability indicators of English teachers are calculated to evaluate the teaching ability of English teachers. The experimental results show that the method has reliable evaluation result, and can reflect the true ability of teachers.

Keywords: data mining; English teacher; teaching ability; evaluation; reduction; variable discretization

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1 基于数据挖掘的英语教师教学能力评价

1.1 评价指标数据库预处理





摘 要:随着教育事业的发展和教育改革的深入,在推进教育现代化的过程中,教学设计起着一个非常重要的引领作用。教学设计主要是为落实教学目标,使得教学。
